I'm new. I was wondering what happens if a ship is facing the edge of the playing area and it has no where to go. I assume that it can't just leave the playing area but if there isn't anywhere else to go how am I supposed to get it out of there?
I'm new. I was wondering what happens if a ship is facing the edge of the playing area and it has no where to go. I assume that it can't just leave the playing area but if there isn't anywhere else to go how am I supposed to get it out of there?
If the ship has nowhere else to go and it flies out of the playing area, it is considered destroyed because it has fled the battle. If it has no other options in flight, then it's the same outcome as your opponent blowing it up.
Honestly, if you end up with a ship in a position like that, the solution comes in a turn before you're forced to fly off the edge. If you can barrel roll backwards, for example, then make a low-speed turn, you can buy yourself enough space to fly free. You can always boost-turn if you have the space as well; though that's the riskier option.
See Flee on page 12 of the Rules Reference, which you can obtain here. (Note to self, we really need to go through the RR top to bottom and add its entries to the wiki; I only got part way last time)
Fleeing ships aren't "destroyed", so Deadman's Switch, Cutthroat, and other "on destroy" effects don't trigger. The fleeing ship is just removed from the game.
As Flashfire212 pointed out, planning one or more turns ahead is a big aspect of X-Wing, and is your best defense against accidentally fleeting. While dialing in a maneuver, you need to think about the position this puts you in next round and the options you'll have e.g. because of stress, position, angle, etc.
A devious opponent can "encourage" you to flee using Ion weapons, forcing you to 1-straight off the table. This can be trickier to do than advertised through: one miss and they can turn away from the edge and you're starting over. Many ships die of damage before they reach the edge. :D
So.....does a fleeing ship count as full points for your opponent? or do they only score what damage they had done to the ship before it fled?
A fleeing ship grants full points to its opponent
My bro has "killed" a ship from me twice by ionizing it and forcing it off-board. The annoying thing is that this happened in the more or less the same exact location on the field, in two different games. What are the odds...
What do you think?