Per title.
Why is it all changes always seem to be toward worse.
Yes, this can be changed back to the old style, but figure it is just a matter of time before they delete that option...
Per title.
Why is it all changes always seem to be toward worse.
Yes, this can be changed back to the old style, but figure it is just a matter of time before they delete that option...
It's some shade of purple for me: 0x1e0c1b
Inspecting the banner gives this: #ffc500
For some reason, in this discussion section, the top banner is the normal dark teal thing.
This blog post explains it.
TL;DR only anonymous users see the yellow global nav bar.
Hopefully you have switched to the Fandom Desktop skin in your preferences and tried it out and styled the wiki to your liking. Be aware that the Oasis skin is going away soon. See this blog post for the dates:
Wait, what, only anon users? But i'm logged in?
As for Oasis going away, the new thing sucks. Is in wrong place.
Okay, TBH i also hate Oasis, preferred whatever what was before it... Believe that had less annoying messages and stuff...
EDIT JFC, branding stuff... way to make wikis worse. I can't think of a thing were money makes things better...
"desktop" sucks so they gotta make "oasis" ugly as f*** to drive people away from it before they delete it altogether. ffs every single step they've taken is to make things worse.
Personally, I like the new skin. It has light/dark modes, expandable width, you can collapse the right rail to get even more width, and the local nav is always available, even in the editor. The Theme Designer is much better than the old one, and it will support full-size backgrounds in a future update.
What don't you like about it? Perhaps we can fix some things with CSS.
For what it's worth, I'm mildly indifferent about the color. But as Moviesign says, css can fix it. It's probably clashing with our color scheme simply because we have one (instead of being a white wiki), but a lot of stuff can be recolored through our global wiki stylesheet. Just suggest the colors to change to and Moviesign can help us get that figured out.
Some context on why I don't much react to trivial stuff like ugly colors:
The stuff that offended me visually were the spoiler-laden articles in the upper-right corner years ago. Nearly every article title was aggressively spoiling plot twists in Marvel movies that weren't even in theaters yet, and that section wouldn't go away, couldn't be disabled in my settings, and followed me as I scrolled down the page. I'm not even sure if it's around anymore because I murdered it with an Ad Blocker. And not just the men, but the women and children too. (I expect some post-murder consolation now; also I hate sand and could use some compassion there too)
I can cope with ugly colors, just don't spoil the movies I'm looking forward to. I'm here because I'm a fan of x-wing, not because I want every plot twist in every movie I'm looking forward to aggressively rammed in my face every time I visit the site. IMO Fandom shouldn't be in the business of mistreating its fans that way, but who am I to judge.
I wonder if that news feed thing is still around or if they finally got rid of it. I'm not disabling my ad blocker to find out, that would be crazy. ;) But when I complained to wikia/fandom staff (not sure how long ago this was), I was curtly told it "drives engagement" and they wouldn't be changing it. Hence the string of murders with an ad blocker.
What I'm saying is, I like murdering webpage components, and it's really nice to be able to talk about this in a supporting environment. And if Fandom wants to send more younglings my way that blast me with aggressive ads or spoilers, I'll be happy to take care of that for them. >:D
Jokes aside, since that time Fandom seems to have grown up a lot and I think they're being a lot more responsive to the community at large and to their individual wiki communities -- hence the help we're getting from Moviesign. He's being genuine in wanting to assist, and we should take him up on that. Colors and colors are probably an easy fix, and there may be other changes we can make to the look or layout.
@Moviesign I notice we no longer have our X-Wing icon in browser tabs etc, and it's been replaced with the Fandom flame icon. Is this a bug or do wikis no longer get to define their own icon?
We will probably want the search box to be a better-themed color than yellow.
The left sidebar could also be a better color than yellow (anon) or purple (logged in). I'm not great at color theory, but given our wiki's theme of blues, blacks, and a starfield background, we'd want colors that fit that better, or at least don't scream too loudly at the user in contrast. :P
I'm not sure how to stylesheet that stuff though.
Thanks for your help!
I restored your Favicon. You can set this in the new Theme Designer, along with lots of other stuff. You should check it out and design your light theme for those viewers who prefer light to dark. If you see a warning message about a possible security problem, just pick a different page (by entering its name in the URL at the top of Theme Designer). Let me know if you'd like help with theming.
The global nav menu on the left is not customizable, but just about everything else is. Logged-out users will see the yellow bar. Logged-in users will see either a light gray or a dusky purple depending on their light/dark theme preferences. The deep purple seems to me to fit pretty well with the deep space theme. :)
So, uh, why do i see orange even though i'm logged in?
EDIT On wiki side, on this discussion side it is the normal (old?) blue.
What do you think?