Hello! Since Full Throttle grants an evade action, it's subject to all the restrictions that apply to an action. So if you're stressed, ionized, have a damage card restricting your action choice (e.g. Damaged Sensor Array), or have other restrictions on actions, then that can prevent performing the evade action.
In your case, because you receive the stress token as part of performing the maneuver, you'll be stressed by the time Full Throttle is allowed to resolve. Without some way of performing actions while stressed, this blocks getting the evade.
Same deal if you plow through a debris cloud or Conner Net.
A couple of contrasts to help explain:
Pattern Analyzer lets you get an action in before you get stressed from your action or even a debris cloud because of its stated timing: before the Check Difficulty step. So if a ship with PA performed a red maneuver through debris, PA would grant its action before the stress from the debris or red maneuver landed.
Effects that simply grant a token without performing an action, such as 0-0-0, will work even if you're stressed or ionized. But Full Throttle isn't one of those effects.