1. Why do some ships come with multiple lock tokens?
It states everywhere that a ship may have only one target lock, yet many of my ships (eg: Sith Infiltrator) come with multiple lock tokens. Why? The (team) upgrade Sensor Experts (allows multiple locks) is available to some ships, but not the Sith - so why multiple lock tokens in the package?
2. Why are Lock Tokens two-sided?
If "SPENDING" a target lock behaves the same way as SPENDING a focus token, then it is, I assume, removed from play when spent ("unspent Focus tokens are removed during the End Phase" implies that spent tokens have already been removed - nowhere does it actually say to remove tokens as they are spent). Why, then, do Lock Tokens have two different sides? This implies that a lock can be "spent" (and the token reversed) once per round but the lock remains in play.
3. Locks dropping when out of range
Does a lock fail if the target at any time exceeds the initial locking range (usually 3)?