How do the new standard loadouts compare to quick builds? Do they each have a threat level? Are the quick builds now totally obsolete? If so, how is threat level determined in Epic scenarios from the multiplayer expansion pack with these new standard loadouts?
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Is it correct to assume a tractored ship making an attack is not in its own firing arc?
If an attacking ship has a defender in its bullseye with an obstruction in between, is the defender still considered in the bullseye for the purposes of certain weapons and upgrades?
Does a ship with Heightened Perception remove a destroyed 6-initiative ship from the game or do all 6's have to engage before it's removed?
Is it safe to assume that you can't use this ability while stressed because it dosn't specify that you can??
Could Hera be equipped on both the Ghost (as pilot) and the docked Sheathipede shuttle (as crew) if Emergency Deployment is used.
When Arvel "fails" his boost because he would overlap his opponent, it's said to resolve by partially completing his boost. Do the two ships have to touch or can they be separated by a thin margin to still take advantage of range 1 from both ships?
If I have a ship with composure and Perceptive Copilot and I fail an action does Perceptive Copilot give me two Focus tokens from that failed action? Does it stack like that or can I only gain the one Focus token?
Dear Community,
I'd like to add Synchronized Laser Cannons to my B-wings to exploit their Stabilized S-Foils (open). Unfortunately, the former carry two laser cannon icons on their card, but the open S-foils show a single icon.
So, may I use Synchronized Laser Cannons as the the S-Foils' bonus attack?
Thank you very much in advance!
How could I find out if there's a local group or something like that near me? Is there like a Discord server or anything? The FFG X-wing miniatures 2.0 website says there's "organized play", but doesn't go into any details about it.
1. Why do some ships come with multiple lock tokens?
It states everywhere that a ship may have only one target lock, yet many of my ships (eg: Sith Infiltrator) come with multiple lock tokens. Why? The (team) upgrade Sensor Experts (allows multiple locks) is available to some ships, but not the Sith - so why multiple lock tokens in the package?
2. Why are Lock Tokens two-sided?
If "SPENDING" a target lock behaves the same way as SPENDING a focus token, then it is, I assume, removed from play when spent ("unspent Focus tokens are removed during the End Phase" implies that spent tokens have already been removed - nowhere does it actually say to remove tokens as they are spent). Why, then, do Lock Tokens have two different sides? This implies that a lock can be "spent" (and the token reversed) once per round but the lock remains in play.
3. Locks dropping when out of range
Does a lock fail if the target at any time exceeds the initial locking range (usually 3)?
I'm new. I was wondering what happens if a ship is facing the edge of the playing area and it has no where to go. I assume that it can't just leave the playing area but if there isn't anywhere else to go how am I supposed to get it out of there?
So this says 9 but that makes no sense out of what we've seen here are my two guesses:
It's not final which is very possible.
2. there is a configuration that makes it stronger because normally there are two different sizes of trident-class assault ships so it would make sense.
But that's what I think what do you think?
For newbies, like me, if you had to describe briefly each faction, what would you say? What characteristics describe better each faction?
This is a question which was born in a conversation between friends where we concluded that, according to how everyone plays, not any faction suits for any player.
I've recently gotten into the game and have a quick question. Are there plans to rerelease all the 1st edition ships outside of conversion kits? A bit harder to find the older stuff and seems like a pretty high price when you're not guaranteed to use all of it. I get that I'm not exactly the target audience for that product, but I'm curious nonetheless.
Tl;dr: are there any plans for all of the old ships to be released as 2nd edition outside of conversion kits?
Please can you help by advising the stats to use for the GR75 Rebel Transport in version 2 of X-Wing?
I have searched and cant find any references for second edition.
Thanks in Advance
R4-P can reduce the difficulty of a "basic" maneuver. So what is that?
What does his ability amount to? Is this inferring one could spend the target lock and then get it right back
If a Device states it does "x" damage, is that damage or hits that can be neutralized?
It seems like I have seen players attempt locking ( using the term target) another ship without having the target symbol on their action palette. Can this be done? The game seems to have some complexities in other rules that might make this not an obvious "no." I assume it is required. It might be gained by upgrade or additional capabilities I guess but thought I would check.