X-Wing Miniatures: Second Edition Wiki
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Card Text/Abilities[]

During the System Phase, you may spend 1 Charge to drop a Blazer Bomb using the 1 straight template.

  • ChargeCharges: 1


Blazer Bomb

At the end of the Activation Phase, this device detonates.

When this device detonates, each ship and remote at range 0-1 rolls 1 attack die. Each ship or remote suffers 1 Hit damage for each Hit / Critical Hit result.

After this devices detonates, place a Blaze by aligning the Blaze's guides to the device's tab.

A Blaze is an obstacle. After this obstacle is placed, place a fuse marker on it.

During the End Phase, remove each Blaze with no fuse markers, then remove 1 fuse marker from each Blaze.

