X-Wing Miniatures: Second Edition Wiki
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Note that during setup, this card can't be equipped with the 'Bounty (Paid)' side face up. As such, only the 'Bounty (Hired)' side points count for Squad Building.

Card Text/Abilities (Bounty (Hired)[]

Setup: Equip this side faceup.

You can be included In Separatist, Imperial, and First Order squads.

After you perform an attack, if the defender was a limited ship and was destroyed, you may recover 1 Charge on your ship card and each of your upgrade cards. Then flip this card.

Card Text/Abilities (Bounty (Paid)[]

Bounty hunting is a complicated profession. Any assassin can kill, but the best hunters are renowned for their ability to bring a mark in alive, as doing so is more difficult but invariably commands a much greater reward.


  • Scum
  • Standard Ship
  • Limited

