X-Wing Miniatures: Second Edition Wiki

Calculate Action: Calculate is one of the Actions available in the game.

Pilots can calculate, using advanced computing power to increase their combat performance. When a ship performs the [Calculate] action, it gains one calculate token. A ship is calculating while it has at least one calculate token. Calculate tokens are circular, green tokens. A calculating ship follows these rules:

  • While a calculating ship performs an attack, during the Modify Attack Dice step, it may spend one or more calculate tokens to change that many of its [Focus] results to [Hit] results.
  • While a calculating ships defends, during the Modify Defense Dice step, it may spend one or more calculate tokens to change that many of its [Focus] results to [Evade] results.


  • A ship cannot spend calculate tokens to change [Focus] results to [Hit] or [Evade] results if it does not have any [Focus] results.
  • If a card ability instructs a ship to gain a calculate token, this is different than performing a [Calculate] action. A ship that gains the token without performing the action can still perform the [Calculate] action this round.

Ships with Calculate[]


These pilots have Calculate printed on their action bar instead of Focus:



These pilots have mention of Calculate printed on their card text/abilities area:



These upgrade cards grant the Calculate action.

  • These following crew cards gain an additional Calculate token after using the action.
  • C-3PO (Crew/Resistance) (Crew/Resistance): Gain an additional Calculate token after using the Calculate or Coordinate action.
  • Other cards like 0-0-0 can grant calculate tokens but don't add the calculate action.
  • Other cards like Watchful Astromech can grant a calculate action but don't add calculate tokens.
  • Other cards like Overtuned Modulators can use other types of token(s) to gain calculate token(s).
  • Other cards like L4E-R5 can transfer a calculate token to another ship(s).
  • Other cards like Automated Target Priority can either grant a calculate token after a missed action, or allow you to remove a calculate token to gain a matching token.