During squad building, upgrade cards can be equipped to ships that have matching upgrade slots, and which meet the upgrade's requirements.
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All items (504)
- Aayla Secura (Crew)
- Ablative Plating
- Adaptive Shields
- Admiral Ozzel
- Admiral Sloane
- Advanced Optics
- Advanced Proton Torpedoes
- Advanced Sensors
- Advanced SLAM
- Afterburners
- Agent Kallus
- Agent of the Empire
- Agent Terex (Crew)
- Agile Gunner
- Ahsoka Tano (Crew)
- Ahsoka Tano (Gunner)
- Alpha-3B "Besh"
- Alpha-3E "Esk"
- Amilyn Holdo
- Andrasta
- Angled Deflectors
- Asajj Ventress (Crew)
- Autoblasters
- Automated Target Priority
- Azmorigan
- B6 Blade Wing Prototype (Epic)
- B6 Blade Wing Prototype (Standard)
- Babu Frik
- Backwards Tailslide
- Barrage Rockets
- Battle Meditation
- Baze Malbus
- BB Astromech
- BB-8 (Astromech)
- Beskar Reinforced Plating
- Biohexacrypt Codes
- Bistan
- Black One
- Blazer Bomb
- Bo-Katan Kryze (Crew/Rebel & Scum)
- Bo-Katan Kryze (Crew/Republic & Separatist)
- Boba Fett (Crew)
- Boba Fett (Gunner)
- Bombardment Specialists
- Bomblet Generator
- Boosted Scanners
- Bossk (Gunner)
- Bounty
- Brilliant Evasion
- Broken Horn
- BT-1
- Burnout Thrusters
- C-3PO (Crew/Rebel)
- C-3PO (Crew/Republic)
- C-3PO (Crew/Resistance)
- C1-10P
- Cad Bane (Crew/Scum)
- Calibrated Laser Targeting
- Captain Hark (Crew)
- Captain Needa
- Captain Phasma (Crew)
- Carlist Rieekan
- Cassian Andor (Crew)
- Chancellor Palpatine
- Chewbacca (Crew/Rebel)
- Chewbacca (Crew/Resistance)
- Chewbacca (Crew/Scum)
- "Chopper" (Astromech)
- "Chopper" (Crew)
- Ciena Ree (Crew)
- Cikatro Vizago
- Clan Training
- Clan Wren Commandos (Crew)
- Cloaking Device
- Clone Captain Rex
- Clone Commander Cody
- Cluster Mines
- Cluster Missiles
- Coaxium Hyperfuel
- Collision Detector
- Combat Boarding Tube
- Commander Malarus (Crew)
- Commander Pyre
- Comms Team
- Compassion
- Composure
- Concussion Bombs
- Concussion Missiles
- Conner Nets
- Contraband Cybernetics
- Corsair Crew
- Corsair Refit
- Corvus
- Count Dooku (Crew)
- Crack Shot
- Cutthroat
- Damage Control Team
- Daredevil
- Darth Vader (Crew)
- Dauntless
- Deadeye Shot
- Deadman's Switch
- Death Troopers
- Death Watch Commandos (Crew)
- Debris Gambit
- Dedicated
- Delayed Fuses
- Delta-7B (configuration)
- Dengar (Gunner)
- Deuterium Power Cells
- Diamond-Boron Missiles
- Director Krennic
- Disciplined
- Discord Missiles
- Dodonna's Pride
- Dorsal Turret
- Dreadnought Hunter
- Drill Beak
- DRK-1 Probe Droids
- Droid Crew
- Drop-Seat Bay
- DT-798 (Gunner)
- GA-97
- Gamut Key (Crew)
- Gar Saxon (Crew)
- Gar Saxon (Gunner)
- Gauntlet
- General Grievous (Crew)
- General Hux
- "Genius"
- Ghost
- Ghost Company
- GNK "Gonk" Droid
- Grand Inquisitor (Crew)
- Grand Moff Tarkin
- Grappler
- Grappling Struts
- Gravitic Deflection
- Greedo
- Greef Karga
- Gunnery Specialists