Pilot Changes[]
Alpha--class Star Wing[]
- •Lieutenant Karsabi
- Increased loadout from 11 to 14;
- •Major Vynder
- Decreased cost from 6 to 5;
- Decreased loadout from 21 to 16;
Gauntlet Fighter[]
- •Captain Hark
- Decreased cost from 7 to 6;
- Decreased loadout from 15 to 14;
- Gained illicit slot(s);
- •Gar Saxon
- Decreased cost from 8 to 7;
- Gained illicit slot(s);
- Imperial Super Commando
- Gained illicit slot(s);
TIE Advanced v1[]
- •Fifth Brother
- Decreased cost from 5 to 4;
- Decreased loadout from 10 to 7;
- Lost cannon, gained missile slot(s);
- •Grand Inquisitor
- Decreased cost from 6 to 5;
- Decreased loadout from 17 to 10;
- •Seventh Sister
- Decreased cost from 5 to 4;
- Decreased loadout from 14 to 6;
- Lost talent slot(s);
TIE Advanced x1[]
- •Darth Vader (Black Leader) (NEW)
- Standardized
- Cost 6;
- •Maarek Stele (Servant of the Empire) (NEW)
- Standardized
- Cost 5;
- •Maarek Stele
- Decreased cost from 5 to 4;
- Decreased loadout from 14 to 10;
- •Zertik Strom
- Increased loadout from 6 to 14;
TIE Reaper[]
- •Captain Feroph
- Decreased loadout from 9 to 6;
TIE/D Defender[]
- •Darth Vader
- Decreased loadout from 14 to 10;
- Lost talent slot(s);
TIE/in Interceptor[]
- •Ciena Ree
- Increased loadout from 10 to 14;
- •Gideon Hask
- Decreased cost from 5 to 4;
- Decreased loadout from 12 to 7;
- •Iden Versio (Battle of Yavin) [Standardized]
- Decreased cost from 6 to 5;
- •Lieutenant Lorrir
- Decreased cost from 4 to 3;
- •Soontir Fel
- Decreased cost from 6 to 5;
- Decreased loadout from 15 to 10;
- •Vult Skerris
- Increased loadout from 6 to 9;
TIE/ln Fighter[]
- •“Night Beast” (Obsidian Two) (NEW)
- Standardized
- Cost 3;
- •Del Meeko
- Increased loadout from 6 to 10;
- Gained modification slot(s);
- •Gideon Hask
- Increased loadout from 8 to 12;
- •Iden Versio (NEW)
- Cost 4, Loadout ;
- slots;
- •Iden Versio
- Increased cost from 3 to 4;
- •Moff Gideon
- Increased cost from 3 to 4;
- •Seyn Marana
- Increased loadout from 8 to 12;
- Gained cannon slot(s);
- •Valen Rudor (Braggadocious Baron) (NEW)
- Standardized
- Cost 3;
TIE/ph Phantom[]
- •“Echo”
- Decreased cost from 6 to 5;
- Decreased loadout from 11 to 9;
- •“Whisper”
- Decreased cost from 7 to 5;
- Decreased loadout from 15 to 8;
TIE/rb Heavy[]
- •Flight Leader Ubbel
- Decreased loadout from 15 to 12;
- •“Rampage”
- Decreased cost from 5 to 4;
- Decreased loadout from 16 to 10;
TIE/sa Bomber[]
- •“Deathfire”
- Decreased cost from 4 to 3;
- Lost torpedo slot(s);
- •Captain Jonus (Disciplined Instructor) (NEW)
- Standardized
- Cost 4;
- •Captain Jonus
- Decreased cost from 5 to 4;
- •Major Rhymer
- Decreased cost from 5 to 3;
- •Tomax Bren (Brash Maverick) (NEW)
- Standardized
- Cost 5;
- •Tomax Bren
- Decreased cost from 4 to 3;
TIE/sk Striker[]
- •“Countdown”
- Increased loadout from 8 to 11;
- •“Duchess”
- Increased loadout from 15 to 18;
- •“Pure Sabacc”
- Increased loadout from 7 to 9;
- •“Vagabond”
- Increased loadout from 10 to 12;
VT-49 Decimator[]
- •Rear Admiral Chiraneau
- Decreased cost from 8 to 7;
- Decreased loadout from 26 to 20;
A/SF-01 B-wing[]
- •Gina Moonsong
- Decreased cost from 5 to 4;
- Decreased loadout from 16 to 11;
- •Hera Syndulla
- Decreased cost from 6 to 5;
- Decreased loadout from 20 to 14;
- •Netrem Pollard
- Decreased cost from 5 to 4;
- Decreased loadout from 18 to 10;
- Blade Squadron Veteran
- Decreased cost from 5 to 4;
- Decreased loadout from 6 to 4;
- Blue Squadron Pilot
- Decreased cost from 5 to 4;
- Decreased loadout from 6 to 4;
ARC-170 Starfighter[]
- •Garven Dreis
- Decreased cost from 5 to 4;
- Decreased loadout from 11 to 7;
- Lost Crew, Crew slot(s);
- •Ibtisam
- Decreased cost from 5 to 4;
- Decreased loadout from 14 to 9;
- Lost Crew, Crew slot(s);
- •Norra Wexley
- Decreased cost from 6 to 5;
- Decreased loadout from 16 to 8;
- Gained Talent, Lost Crew, Crew slot(s);
- •Shara Bey
- Decreased cost from 5 to 4;
- Decreased loadout from 12 to 8;
- Lost Crew, Crew slot(s);
BTL-A4 Y-wing[]
- •“Dutch” Vander (Gold Leader) (NEW)
- Standardized
- Cost 4;
- •Evaan Verlaine
- Decreased cost from 4 to 3;
- Decreased loadout from 15 to 8;
- Lost Talent slot(s);
- •Hol Okand (Battle of Yavin) [Standardized]
- Decreased cost from 4 to 3;
- •Horton Salm (Gray Leader) (NEW)
- Standardized
- Cost 4;
- •Horton Salm
- Decreased cost from 4 to 3;
- Decreased loadout from 14 to 7;
- Lost Talent slot(s);
- •Norra Wexley
- Gained gunner, lost torpedo slot(s);
- •Corran Horn
- Decreased cost from 7 to 6;
- •Gavin Darklighter
- Decreased cost from 6 to 5;
- Knave Squadron Escort
- Decreased cost from 6 to 5;
- Rogue Squadron Escort
- Decreased cost from 6 to 5;
Fang Fighter[]
- ••Clan Wren Volunteer
- Decreased cost from 5 to 4;
- Increased loadout from 10 to 12;
- •Bodica Venj
- Decreased cost from 5 to 4;
- Increased loadout from 6 to 9;
- Gained modificaiton slot(s);
- •Dirk Ullodin
- Decreased cost from 5 to 4;
- Decreased loadout from 10 to 9;
- Gained modificaiton slot(s);
- •Fenn Rau
- Decreased cost from 6 to 5;
- Decreased loadout from 16 to 10;
- Gained modificaiton slot(s);
Gauntlet Fighter[]
- •"Chopper"
- Decreased cost from 7 to 6;
- Decreased loadout from 18 to 10;
- Gained illicit slot(s);
- •Ezra Bridger
- Decreased cost from 7 to 6;
- Decreased loadout from 16 to 12;
- Lost missile slot(s);
- •Mandalorian Resistance Fighter
- Gained illicit slot(s);
HWK-290 Light Freighter[]
- •Kyle Katarn
- Decreased cost from 6 to 5;
- Decreased loadout from 12 to 8;
- •Roark Garnet
- Decreased cost from 6 to 5;
- Decreased loadout from 15 to 12;
Modified YT-1300 Light Freighter[]
- •Han Solo
- Decreased cost from 8 to 7;
- •Lando Calrissian
- Decreased cost from 8 to 7;
- •Leia Organa
- Decreased cost from 8 to 7;
RZ-1 A-wing[]
- •Arvel Crynyd (Green Leader) (NEW)
- Standardized
- Cost 4;
- •Hera Syndulla
- Decreased cost from 5 to 4;
- Decreased loadout from 14 to 5;
- •Jake Farrell (Sage Instructor) (NEW)
- Standardized
- Cost 5;
- •Jake Farrell
- Increased loadout from 8 to 11;
- •Sabine Wren
- Decreased cost from 4 to 3;
- Decreased loadout from 11 to 7;
- Gained modification, lost torpedo slot(s);
- •Shara Bey (Green Four) (NEW)
- Standardized
- Cost 4;
- •Wedge Antilles
- Decreased cost from 4 to 3;
- Decreased loadout from 10 to 5;
- Lost Missile slot(s);
Sheathipede-class Shuttle[]
- •“Zeb” Orrelios
- Decreased cost from 4 to 3;
- Decreased loadout from 11 to 3;
- •AP-5
- Decreased cost from 4 to 3;
- Increased loadout from 4 to 5;
- •Fenn Rau
- Increased cost from 4 to 5;
- Increased loadout from 9 to 10;
T-65 X-wing[]
- •Biggs Darklighter
- Lost torpedo slot(s);
- •Corran Horn
- Decreased cost from 5 to 4;
- Decreased loadout from 18 to 9;
- Gained missile, lost torpedo slot(s);
- •Jek Porkins (Red Six) (NEW)
- Standardized
- Cost 5;
- •Luke Skywalker (Battle of Yavin) [Standardized]
- Decreased cost from 6 to 5;
- •Luke Skywalker (Red Five) (NEW)
- Standardized
- Cost 6;
- •Luke Skywalker
- Increased loadout from 22 to 24;
- •Thane Kyrell
- Decreased cost from 5 to 4;
- Decreased loadout from 14 to 8;
- Gained missile, modification, lost torpedo slot(s);
- •Wedge Antilles
- Decreased cost from 6 to 5;
- Decreased loadout from 18 to 9;
- •Wes Janson
- Gained missile, modification, lost torpedo slot(s);
TIE/ln fighter[]
- •Sabine Wren
- Decreased cost from 3 to 2;
- Decreased loadout from 7 to 3;
- Lost missile slot(s);
VCX-100 Light Freighter[]
- •“Chopper”
- Decreased cost from 7 to 6;
- Decreased loadout from 18 to 14;
- •Kanan Jarrus
- Decreased cost from 8 to 7;
Z-95-AF4 Headhunter[]
- •Airen Cracken
- Increased cost from 3 to 4;
- Increased loadout from 9 to 11;
- •Lieutenant Blount
- Increased loadout from 6 to 11;
First Order[]
TIE/ba Interceptor[]
- •Major Vonreg
- Decreased cost from 6 to 5;
- Decreased loadout from 18 to 14;
- First Order Provocateur
- Decreased cost from 5 to 4;
TIE/fo fighter[]
- •“Midnight”
- Decreased cost from 4 to 3;
- Decreased loadout from 15 to 7;
- Lost missile slot(s);
- •“Scorch”
- Decreased loadout from 8 to 6;
- •DT-798
- Decreased loadout from 8 to 6;
- •Lieutenant Galek
- Decreased loadout from 8 to 7;
TIE/se Bomber[]
- •“Dread”
- Decreased cost from 4 to 3;
- Decreased loadout from 12 to 8;
- •“Scorch”
- Decreased cost from 4 to 3;
- Decreased loadout from 10 to 7;
TIE/sf fighter[]
- •“Backdraft”
- Decreased loadout from 12 to 5;
- •“Quickdraw”
- Decreased cost from 6 to 5;
- Decreased loadout from 25 to 12;
- •Captain Phasma
- Decreased loadout from 14 to 6;
- •Lieutenant LeHuse
- Decreased cost from 5 to 4;
- Decreased loadout from 18 to 7;
- Omega Squadron Expert
- Decreased loadout from 10 to 3;
TIE/vn Silencer[]
- •“Avenger”
- Increased loadout from 6 to 10;
- •“Blackout”
- Decreased cost from 6 to 5;
- Decreased loadout from 20 to 12;
- •“Recoil”
- Increased loadout from 6 to 10;
- •“Rush”
- Increased loadout from 7 to 11;
- •Kylo Ren
- Increased loadout from 16 to 22;
- Gained talent slot(s);
TIE/wi Whisper Modified Interceptor[]
- •Kylo Ren
- Decreased cost from 6 to 5;
- Decreased loadout from 18 to 14;
BTA-NR2 Y-wing[]
- •Corus Kapellim
- Decreased cost from 4 to 3;
- Decreased loadout from 15 to 8;
- •Lega Fossang
- Decreased cost from 4 to 3;
- Decreased loadout from 14 to 7;
- Lost talent slot(s);
- •Shasa Zaro
- Decreased cost from 4 to 3;
- Decreased loadout from 13 to 9;
- Lost talent slot(s);
- •Teza Nasz
- Gained missile slot(s);
- •Wilsa Teshlo
- Gained missile slot(s);
- •Zorii Bliss
- Decreased cost from 5 to 4;
- Decreased loadout from 19 to 11;
MG-100 StarFortress[]
- •Ben Teene
- Increased loadout from 9 to 19;
- •Cat
- Increased loadout from 7 to 17;
- •Edon Kappehl
- Increased loadout from 14 to 22;
- •Finch Dallow
- Increased loadout from 14 to 22;
- •Paige Tico
- Increased loadout from 15 to 23;
- •Vennie
- Increased loadout from 14 to 18;
- Cobalt Squadron Bomber
- Increased loadout from 11 to 12;
Resistance Transport Pod[]
- •Finn
- Increased cost from 3 to 4;
- Increased loadout from 12 to 15;
- •Rose Tico
- Increased loadout from 8 to 9;
RZ-2 A-wing[]
- •Zizi Tlo
- Decreased loadout from 15 to 10;
Scavenged YT-1300 Light Freighter[]
- •Chewbacca
- Decreased cost from 7 to 6;
- •Lando Calrissian
- Decreased cost from 8 to 7;
- •Poe Dameron
- Gained modificaition slot(s);
- •Rey
- Decreased cost from 8 to 7;
T-70 X-wing[]
- •C’ai Threnalli
- Decreased cost from 5 to 4;
- Decreased loadout from 13 to 7;
- •Ello Asty
- Decreased cost from 5 to 4;
- Decreased loadout from 11 to 8;
- •Jaycris Tubbs
- Decreased cost from 5 to 4;
- Decreased loadout from 13 to 8;
- •Jessika Pava
- Decreased cost from 5 to 4;
- Decreased loadout from 11 to 7;
- •Joph Seastriker
- Increased loadout from 9 to 13;
- •Karé Kun
- Decreased cost from 5 to 4;
- Decreased loadout from 10 to 8;
- •Lieutenant Bastian
- Increased loadout from 10 to 14;
- •Nien Nunb
- Increased loadout from 10 to 16;
- •Nimi Chereen
- Decreased cost from 5 to 4;
- Decreased loadout from 10 to 9;
- •Temmin Wexley (Black Two)
- Decreased cost from 6 to 5;
- Decreased loadout from 17 to 13;
- •Temmin Wexley (Snap)
- Decreased cost from 5 to 4;
- Decreased loadout from 11 to 9;
- •Venisa Doza
- Decreased cost from 5 to 4;
- Decreased loadout from 13 to 7;
Belbullab-22 Starfighter[]
- •Captain Sear
- Increased loadout from 15 to 17;
- •General Grievous
- Decreased loadout from 12 to 11;
- •Wat Tambor
- Increased loadout from 7 to 9;
Droid Tri-Fighter[]
- •••Fearsome Predator
- Decreased cost from 4 to 3;
- Decreased loadout from 16 to 3;
- ••Phlac-Arphocc Prototype
- Decreased cost from 4 to 3;
- Decreased loadout from 14 to 6;
- •DIS-347 (Siege of Coruscant) [Standardized]
- Decreased cost from 4 to 3;
- •DIS-347
- Decreased cost from 4 to 3;
- Decreased loadout from 14 to 4;
- •DIS-T81
- Decreased cost from 4 to 3;
- Decreased loadout from 12 to 3;
- •DIS-T81 (Siege of Coruscant) [Standardized]
- Decreased cost from 5 to 4;
- Colicoid Interceptor
- Decreased cost from 4 to 3;
- Separatist Interceptor
- Decreased cost from 4 to 3;
Firespray-class Patrol Craft[]
- •Aurra Sing
- Decreased cost from 8 to 7;
- Decreased loadout from 18 to 10;
- Gained talent, lost crew slot(s);
- •Jango Fett
- Decreased loadout from 27 to 22;
- •Zam Wesell
- Decreased cost from 9 to 8;
Gauntlet Fighter[]
- •Bo-Katan Kryze
- Decreased cost from 7 to 6;
- Decreased loadout from 20 to 12;
- Gained illicit, lost Missile, Missile slot(s);
- •Death Watch Warrior
- Gained illicit slot(s);
- •Pre Vizsla
- Decreased cost from 7 to 6;
- Decreased loadout from 18 to 14;
- Gained illicit, lost missile slot(s);
HMP Droid Gunship[]
- ••Geonosian Prototype
- Decreased cost from 5 to 4;
- Decreased loadout from 18 to 12;
- ••Onderon Oppressor
- Increased loadout from 7 to 15;
- Gained missile slot(s);
- •DGS-047
- Decreased cost from 5 to 3;
- Decreased loadout from 14 to 8;
- •DGS-286
- Decreased cost from 5 to 3;
- Decreased loadout from 20 to 7;
- Gained missile, missile, lost torpedo, torpedo slot(s);
- Baktoid Drone
- Decreased cost from 5 to 4;
- Decreased loadout from 10 to 8;
- Separatist Predator
- Decreased cost from 5 to 4;
- Increased loadout from 8 to 9;
Nantex-class Starfighter[]
- •Chertek
- Decreased cost from 5 to 4;
- Decreased loadout from 15 to 10;
- •Sun Fac
- Decreased cost from 6 to 5;
- Decreased loadout from 18 to 15;
Rogue-class Starfighter[]
- ••MagnaGuard Protector
- Decreased cost from 5 to 4;
- Decreased loadout from 18 to 10;
- •Cad Bane
- Decreased cost from 5 to 4;
- Decreased loadout from 18 to 13;
- •IG-101
- Decreased cost from 5 to 4;
- Decreased loadout from 19 to 11;
- •IG-102
- Decreased cost from 5 to 4;
- Decreased loadout from 19 to 11;
- •IG-111
- Decreased cost from 5 to 4;
- Decreased loadout from 21 to 12;
- MagnaGuard Executioner
- Increased loadout from 4 to 6;
Sith Infiltrator[]
- •0-66
- Decreased cost from 6 to 5;
- Decreased loadout from 16 to 12;
- •Darth Maul
- Decreased cost from 8 to 7;
- Decreased loadout from 20 to 19;
ARC-170 Starfighter[]
- •“Jag”
- Decreased cost from 5 to 4;
- Decreased loadout from 14 to 9;
- •“Odd Ball”
- Decreased cost from 5 to 4;
- Decreased loadout from 15 to 7;
- •“Odd Ball” (Siege of Coruscant) [Standardized]
- Decreased cost from 5 to 4;
- •“Sinker”
- Decreased cost from 6 to 5;
- Decreased loadout from 18 to 15;
- •“Wolffe”
- Decreased cost from 5 to 4;
- Decreased loadout from 12 to 9;
BTL-B Y-wing[]
- •“Broadside”
- Decreased cost from 4 to 3;
- Decreased loadout from 13 to 10;
- Lost torpedo, gunner slot(s);
- •“Goji”
- Increased loadout from 12 to 16;
- •“Matchstick”
- Decreased cost from 5 to 3;
- Decreased loadout from 18 to 9;
- Lost torpedo, gunner slot(s);
- •“Odd Ball”
- Increased loadout from 15 to 18;
- •Anakin Skywalker
- Decreased loadout from 23 to 20;
- •R2-D2
- Decreased cost from 4 to 3;
- Decreased loadout from 14 to 9;
- Lost gunner slot(s);
Clone Z-95 Headhunter[]
- •“Boost”
- Decreased cost from 3 to 2;
- Decreased loadout from 8 to 3;
- •“Slider”
- Decreased cost from 3 to 2;
- Decreased loadout from 8 to 3;
Delta-7 Aethersprite[]
- •Plo Koon
- Increased loadout from 8 to 14;
Delta-7B Aethersprite[]
- •Mace Windu
- Decreased cost from 6 to 5;
- Decreased loadout from 8 to 7;
- •Plo Koon
- Increased loadout from 17 to 19;
Eta-2 Actis[]
- •Anakin Skywalker
- Decreased cost from 6 to 5;
- Decreased loadout from 20 to 15;
- •Anakin Skywalker (Siege of Coruscant) [Standardized]
- Decreased cost from 5 to 4;
- •Kit Fisto
- Increased loadout from 8 to 11;
- Gained cannon slot(s);
- •Shaak Ti
- Decreased cost from 5 to 4;
- Decreased loadout from 18 to 10;
- •Yoda
- Decreased cost from 5 to 4;
- Decreased loadout from 16 to 12;
Gauntlet Fighter[]
- •Bo-Katan Kryze
- Decreased cost from 7 to 6;
- Decreased loadout from 20 to 12;
- Gained illicit, lost Missile, Missile slot(s);
- •Nite Owl Liberator
- Decreased loadout from 16 to 12;
- Gained illicit slot(s);
LAAT/i Gunship[]
- •“Hawk”
- Increased cost from 5 to 6;
- Increased loadout from 12 to 25;
Naboo Royal N-1 Starfighter[]
- •Padmé Amidala
- Decreased cost from 5 to 4;
- Decreased loadout from 22 to 18;
- •Ric Olié
- Decreased cost from 5 to 4;
- Decreased loadout from 15 to 12;
- Gained talent slot(s);
Nimbus-class V-wing[]
- •“Contrail” (Siege of Coruscant) [Standardized]
- Increased cost from 3 to 4;
- •“Klick” (Siege of Coruscant) [Standardized]
- Increased cost from 3 to 4;
- •“Odd Ball”
- Decreased cost from 4 to 3;
- Decreased loadout from 12 to 9;
V-19 Torrent Starfighter[]
- •“Axe” (Siege of Coruscant) [Standardized]
- Decreased cost from 4 to 3;
Upgrade Changes[]
- •Darth Vader
- Decreased cost from 14 to 12;
- •Grand Inquisitor
- Increased cost from 13 to 15;
Crew, Crew[]
- •Death Troopers
- Decreased cost from 6 to 4;
- •Imperial Super Commando Team
- Increased cost from 7 to 8;
- •Tiber Saxon
- Increased cost from 4 to 6;
- •C-3PO
- Increased cost from 5 to 7;
- •Fenn Rau
- Increased cost from 4 to 7;
- •Jyn Erso
- Increased cost from 5 to 7;
- •Maul
- Increased cost from 10 to 12;
Crew, Crew[]
- •Clan Wren Commando Team
- Increased cost from 7 to 8;
- •Ezra Bridger
- Decreased cost from 10 to 9;
- Selfless
- Increased cost from 2 to 4;
- •4-LOM
- Increased cost from 5 to 8;
- •Ahsoka Tano
- Increased cost from 9 to 10;
- •Fenn Rau
- Increased cost from 4 to 7;
- •Gamut Key
- Increased cost from 6 to 8;
- •Prime Minister Almec / Almec: Maul's Puppet
- Increased cost from 6 to 7;
- •Zuckuss
- Increased cost from 2 to 6;
Crew, Crew[]
- •Mandalorian Super Commando Team
- Increased cost from 7 to 8;
First Order[]
Crew, Crew[]
- •Supreme Leader Snoke
- Decreased cost from 13 to 10;
- Special Forces Gunner
- Decreased cost from 5 to 0;
- Fanatical
- Increased cost from 1 to 2;
Tech, Modification[]
- Deuterium Power Cells
- Decreased cost from 8 to 6;
- •BB-8
- Decreased cost from 7 to 5;
- BB Astromech
- Decreased cost from 6 to 4;
- Wartime Loadout
- Decreased cost from 5 to 2;
Crew, Crew[]
- •Leia Organa
- Decreased cost from 16 to 14;
- •Rey
- Decreased cost from 12 to 10;
- •R7-A7
- Increased cost from 3 to 5;
- Q7 Astromech
- Decreased cost from 3 to 1;
- Alpha-3B “Besh”
- Increased cost from 0 to 1;
- •Aayla Secura
- Decreased cost from 14 to 12;
- •Ahsoka Tano
- Increased cost from 9 to 10;
- •Prime Minister Almec/ Almec: Maul's Puppet
- Decreased cost from 9 to 7;
Crew, Crew[]
- •Nite Owl Commando Team
- Increased cost from 7 to 8;
- Seventh Fleet Gunner
- Increased cost from 8 to 13;
- Dedicated
- Increased cost from 1 to 3;
- •Count Dooku
- Decreased cost from 14 to 12;
- •General Grievous
- Increased cost from 4 to 6;
Crew, Crew[]
- •Death Watch Commando Team
- Increased cost from 7 to 8;
- •••Discord Missiles
- Decreased cost from 3 to 2;
- Impervium Plating
- Increased cost from 0 to 2;
- Independent Calculations
- Increased cost from 0 to 2;
Tactical Relay[]
- •K2-B4
- Decreased cost from 6 to 4;
- •Kalani
- Decreased cost from 5 to 3;
- •Kraken
- Decreased cost from 10 to 8;
- •TA-175
- Decreased cost from 8 to 6;
- •TV-94
- Decreased cost from 5 to 3;
- Treacherous
- Increased cost from 2 to 3;
- R3 Astromech
- Decreased cost from 4 to 3;
- R4 Astromech
- Decreased cost from 3 to 2;
- Heavy Laser Cannon
- Increased cost from 4 to 5;
- Jamming Beam
- Increased cost from 0 to 1;
- Tractor Beam
- Increased cost from 4 to 6;
Cannon, Cannon[]
- Synced Laser Cannons
- Decreased cost from 8 to 6;
- •Hondo Ohnaka
- Increased cost from 5 to 8;
- Extreme Maneuvers
- Increased cost from 5 to 8;
- Hate
- Increased cost from 4 to 5;
- Agile Gunner
- Decreased cost from 3 to 1;
- Veteran Tail Gunner
- Increased cost from 3 to 5;
- Veteran Turret Gunner
- Decreased cost from 5 to 3;
- •Cloaking Device
- Increased cost from 3 to 8;
- •••Tracking Fob
- Decreased cost from 4 to 3;
- False Transponder Codes
- Increased cost from 3 to 5;
- Rigged Cargo Chute
- Decreased cost from 4 to 3;
Missile, Missile[]
- Barrage Rockets
- Decreased cost from 8 to 6;
- Afterburners
- Decreased cost from 10 to 8;
- Beskar Reinforced Plating
- Decreased cost from 6 to 3;
- Drop-Seat bay
- Increased cost from 1 to 5;
- Mandalorian Optics
- Decreased cost from 5 to 3;
- Proton Bombs
- Increased cost from 4 to 5;
- Proximity Mines
- Increased cost from 8 to 10;
- Collision Detector
- Decreased cost from 9 to 7;
- Trajectory Simulator
- Increased cost from 6 to 8;
- Clan Training
- Decreased cost from 3 to 1;
- •Lone Wolf
- Decreased cost from 5 to 3;
- Crack Shot
- Increased cost from 3 to 4;
- Daredevil
- Increased cost from 2 to 5;
- Debris Gambit
- Decreased cost from 6 to 4;
- Elusive
- Increased cost from 2 to 4;
- Juke
- Increased cost from 6 to 7;
- •Notorious
- Increased cost from 5 to 7;
- Predator
- Increased cost from 2 to 3;
- Saturation Salvo
- Decreased cost from 3 to 2;
- Tierfon Belly Run
- Increased cost from 0 to 1;
- Adv. Proton Torpedoes
- Increased cost from 8 to 9;
- Plasma Torpedoes
- Decreased cost from 7 to 5;