This is a table of all known ships' action bars (and how they can change with upgrades, configurations, etc). It's intended as a useful tool to speed up squad building.
The table is sortable on Desktop browsers but not usually on Mobile (it seems to be a Wikia issue, sorry).
Check the footnotes below to understand the notations.
- 1 A ship with a red Barrel Roll can gain a white Barrel Roll by equipping Expert Handling.
- This simply adds a white barrel roll to the action bar; it does not convert red barrel roll actions to white (e.g. on linked or free actions).
- 2a A ship with a red Boost can gain a white Boost by equipping Engine Upgrade.
- This simply adds a white boost to the action bar; it does not convert red boost actions to white (e.g. on linked or free actions).
- 2b It's perhaps worth noting that Moff Jerjerrod grants periodic red boosts to your whole squadron. Boost is not added to their action bar, but it's a valuable enough effect to warrant listing here.
- 3a Calculate is a special action that droid pilots have on their card instead of Focus. The two are mutually exclusive on the ship's action bars, meaning a ship with Calculate doesn't have Focus (unless Calculate is added by an upgrade). Currently it's mainly a Rebel and Scum feature.
- See the Calculate page for a list of pilots and other sources.
- 3b C-3PO and IG-88D (Crew) grant the Calculate action to a rebel/resistance/scum ship with a crew slot.
- 3c Double-Calculate:
- The Aggressor always gains 2 calculate tokens from the calculate action.
- C-3PO and IG-88D (Crew) also grant a bonus calculate token when using the action, along with their other bonuses.
- 4 Any small or medium ship with an illicit slot can gain a limited-use Cloak action.
- 5a A ship with a red Coordinate can gain a white Coordinate by equipping Tactical Officer.
- This simply adds a white coordinate to the action bar; it does not convert red coordinate actions to white (e.g. on linked or free actions).
- 5b Squad Leader adds a red Coordinate, but with restrictions.
- 5c C-3PO (Resistance) adds a red Coordinate.
- 5d A VCX-100 gains Coordinate if it has a docked Sheathipede Shuttle.
- 6 A ship can equip Debris Gambit to gain a red Evade action (plus a bonus effect when using it).
- 7 Equip Director Krennic to add Lock to an empire ship with a crew slot.
- 8 While it doesn't add to the action bar, Minister Tua grands free red reinforce actions while damaged. Worth noting for empire players.
- 9 A Firespray gains Reload by equipping Andrasta.
- 10 A G-1A Starfighter gains Barrel Roll by equipping Mist Hunter.
- 11 A Modified YT-1300 gains Evade by equipping Millennium Falcon.
- 12 A T-65 X-Wing gains Boost when Servomotor S-Foils are closed. A T-70 gains Barrel Roll when Integrated S-Foils are closed. Black One grants a T-70 a one-time SLAM.
- 13 A B-Wing can equip Stabilized S-Foils to gain Barrel Roll->Lock.
- 14 IG-101, IG-102, IG-111, MagnaGuard Protector, and MagnaGuard Executioner pilots have Calculate version, other Rogue-Class pilots have Focus version