X-Wing Miniatures: Second Edition Wiki
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Card Text/Abilities[]

While you defend or perform an attack, if you have only blank results and have two or more results, you may reroll any number of your dice.


  • Resistance



A ship rolling one defense die has a pretty good chance of triggering heroic. Adding more dice lowers the frequency of triggering.

Attack Dice Trigger Chance
1 (with Finn (Gunner)) 25%
2 6.25%
3 1.56%
4 0.4%
5 0.097%
Defense Dice Trigger Chance
1 (with Finn (Gunner)) 37.5%
2 14%
3 5.27%
4 1.98%
5 0.74%

Note that Finn (Gunner) works very well with this card, since adding a blank to other blanks just increases the number of dice you're rerolling. For example, a one-defense falcon with Finn and Heroic has a 38% chance of getting a blank; it can then add a blank with Finn (if the foe is in arc) and reroll both dice.

Any effect that allows you to cancel or spend hit/crit/focus results during dice modification could also increase the odds of triggering Heroic. For example, if a Heroic ship could possibly receive Optimized Prototype, it could roll Blank-Blank-Focus, spend the focus, and then reroll the two blanks with Heroic. However, as of this writing, no such spending effect is available to Resistance.

Alternate Art[]

DeluxeWave2Kit heroic-plastic

Alt. full art promo version from the 2.0 Edition Deluxe Wave 2 Kit, announced in January 2019.
