X-Wing Miniatures: Second Edition Wiki

Iden Versio was a human female soldier who served in the military of the Galactic Empire. A TIE fighter pilot in the Imperial Starfighter Corps, Iden became Commander of Inferno Squad, an Imperial Special Forces commando unit assembled by her father, Admiral Garrick Versio, in response to the destruction of the Death Star. Along with Agents Gideon Hask, Del Meeko, and Seyn Marana, she infiltrated the Dreamers and successfully destroyed them, though Marana died in the mission. read more

Card Text/Abilities[]

Before a friendly TIE/In fighter at range 0-1 would suffer one or more damage, you may spend 1 Charge. If you do, prevent that damage.

  • ChargeCharges: 1

Errata / FAQ[]

Q: How do effects that “prevent damage” such as Iden Versio interact with effects such as Ion Cannon and Tractor Beam that “inflict [ion, tractor, jam, etc] tokens instead of dealing damage”?

A: If an effect uses Hit/Critical Hit results for an effect instead of dealing damage (such as inflicting ion, tractor, or jam tokens), that effect cannot be prevented by an effect that “prevents damage.” Note that Iden Versio can prevent the 1 damage that an Ion Cannon deals before inflicting ion tokens, but this does not prevent Iden Versio from gaining the subsequent ion tokens.

  • Rules Reference 1.0.2 (released September 28, 2018)

