X-Wing Miniatures: Second Edition Wiki
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Tiaan Jerjerrod was a human male who served in the Galactic Empire during the Galactic Civil War. Initially an architect and a starship designer, he was eventually granted the rank of Imperial Moff. Prior to and during the Battle of Endor, he was made commander of the Death Star II partly owing to his previous work on the original Death Star. Tasked with overseeing the space station's difficult final stages of assembly, Jerjerrod faced the wrath of both the Sith Lord Darth Vader and Emperor Sheev Palpatine when the massive construction effort fell behind schedule. Despite warnings from Vader that the Emperor would not tolerate any further setbacks, the Emperor paid little attention to Jerjerrod when he visited the Death Star, though he did authorize the commander to operate the station's superlaser against the starships of the Rebel fleet when the Rebel Alliance launched its attack on the Death Star—a battle that culminated in the station's destruction and the death of all its occupants, including Jerjerrod. read more

Card/Text Abilities[]

During the System Phase, you may spend 2 Charge. If you do, choose the 1 Maneuver: Bank left (white), 1 Maneuver: Straight (white) or 1 Maneuver: Bank right (white) template. Each friendly ship may perform a red Action: Boost action using that template.

  • Charges: 2


  • Imperial
  • Action: Coordinate

