X-Wing Miniatures: Second Edition Wiki

This is a list of links to useful Strategy Guides to help players learn and improve at X-Wing.

Tutorials and Guides[]

Top Gun: Tournament Academy: A series of tutorials on the basics of x-wing (new episodes are still in production, as of this writing)

Mental Measuring and Spatial Reasoning: This guide is from 7 years ago but the basics still apply today. The bottom part is a treasure trove of links to other guides as well.

Epic Strategy: A guide for how to build and fly a successful list in Epic play. Swarms, Wings, Huge Ships, the works.

Earning Your Wings: A tutorial from the FFG Forum archives that explains where a maneuver template will place you, by using the small ship base as a unit of measurement. Great way to learn to visualize maneuvers.

Other Useful Links[]

An Index of Useful Links: A 2019 list of podcasts, streams, blogs, etc that may interest new and old players alike. Great for those who love to learn from podcasts and streams.
