X-Wing Miniatures: Second Edition Wiki

A tractor token is an orange token. A ship is Tractored while it has equal or greater than a specific number of tractor tokens, according to its size: a small ship requires one tractor token, a medium ship requires at least two tractor tokens, and a large ship requires at least three tractor tokens.

The first time a ship becomes tractored each round, the player whose effect applied the tractor token may choose one of the following effects:

  • Perform a (non-action) barrel roll using the 1 Maneuver: Straight (white) template. The player applying the effect selects the direction of the barrel roll and the ship’s final position.
  • Perform a (non-action) boost using the 1 Maneuver: Straight (white) maneuver template.

This move cannot cause the ship to move through or overlap an obstacle. Other barrel roll and boost restrictions also apply (fails if move would cause ship to flee the battlefield, etc).

After a ship is moved this way, if an opponent moved it, the ship's player may choose to have the ship rotate 90˚ to the left or right. If they do, the ship gains one stress token.

While a tractored ship defends, it rolls one fewer defense die.

(Errata: "During the Engagement Phase, a tractored ship rolls one fewer defense die. Medium ships become tractored with 2 or more tractor tokens. Large ships become tractored with 3 or more tractor tokens.")

(Errata: Added "After a ship is moved this way, if an opponent moved it, the ship's player may choose to have the ship rotate 90˚ to the left or right. If they do, the ship gains one stress token.")

  • Some special weapons inflict tractor tokens instead of dealing damage.
  • Huge Ships have additional rules for tractor tokens.